There is a saying I like to post on my FaceBook wall from time-to-time, it goes like this…
“I am going to work today because thousands of people who choose not to work are depending on me for their government check.”
Fact – Since 2007 the Democrats have had control of the US Congress.
And since they have had control I ask one simple question…
Are we better off today than we were when they won control?
For me… the answer is not no, but HELL NO!
Beat the Democrats and start with John Faulk who CAN beat Sheila Jackson Lee!
Many conservative are under the impression that John Faulk can’t beat Sheila Jackson-Lee. But he can; here’s how:
In the last midterm election, about 86,000 votes were cast in the race for Congressional District 18; 66,000 of those were cast for Sheila Jackson-Lee. We can expect about the same level of turnout this time. While 15% of registered voters in district 18 are Democrat, and 4% are Republicans, a whopping 82% of registered voters are independents. That’s 221,000 independent voters.
Keeping that in mind, African American voters in CD 18 have strong conservative values but many of them have not voted in years.
John Faulk can win if conservatives turn out on November 2nd.
So, if you live in CD 18 - VOTE.
Get others out to vote!
DONATE TO JOHN FAULK. He needs your help.
Two things I know for sure are 1) the democrats are in charge and 2) it is not working.
By the way, the rumor is that SJL is out of money, she spent it all going to funerals.
Damn you George Bush!