Friday, June 24, 2011


A few days ago during NBC’s coverage of the US open NBC aired a tribute to soldiers.  During that tribute they captured voices of children reciting the pledge of allegiance. 

So far, no big deal.

During the editing process they cut the words “under God” out of the recording in effect removing them from the pledge.

Within minutes NBC began receiving hundreds upon hundreds of phone calls.  This prompted an immediate, on the air apology and a press response in which NBC claimed it was a simple oversight.

Well – I do not believe it was an oversight – I believe it was 100% intentional.  I also believe they did not expect the outrage that followed.

They made a huge mistake.

A few days later I was asked a simple question by a friend of mine.  He asked “were you more offended as a Christian or as an American."  He then said, “you can only pick one.”

For me, the offense was to my patriotism as an American.  In my heart I know and believe there is a God.  He has a name and I worship him.  It is not my place to ram that down your throat.

Now – if you do not share the belief of a God, or if you think this issue is a merger of church and state, I am going to invite you to take a deep breath and read a little farther. 

GOD is important.

Lets start with some simple facts:

First – the words “under God” are not specific to a specific God.  Is it the Muslim God?  Is it the Jewish God?  Is it Jehovah?  Is it Allah?  Is it Buddha?  Is it Jesus?

Second - the words “under God” are specific to the concept of a higher being, a creator.  Simply put, the words give credence to the ideal that our FREEDOM and our LIBERTY are granted to us from an higher source of power than mere men.

Consider this, if there is no concept of God, a higher power, or a creator who has granted us certain rights, then our freedom and liberty are only temporary to the ruling class or the government at hand.

This country – LIKE IT OR NOT – was founded on the premise that our FREEDOM and LIBERTY were given as a grant of rights from a creator who was out of the reach of mankind.  Thus, one man or a group of men, cannot take the LIBERTY and FREEDOM of another man against his will for the purpose of service to the ruling class or the government.

To remove God from the pledge is A MAJOR STEP in eroding the idea that freedom and liberty are rights granted to us by a creator or something out of the reach of mankind. 

IT IS DANGEROUS GROUND to remove the “concept” of a creator who has endowed us with rights. 

IT IS DANGEROUS GROUND for us to allow those thoughts to be chiseled away.

Why? Because if a man or a ruling class can remove God or the Creator from the driver’s seat of granting freedom and liberty, then that same man or group of men can take control and deny us those rights based on their personal desires and what they believe to best for the good of the whole.


Simply put, if we share the idea that we are granted freedom and liberty from a creator, then mankind is not granted the right to take them away. 


So, if you are struggling with the concept of God in the pledge, please realize that it has vast consequences to remove it.

For those of you who know history, I will be disappointed if I don’t hear from you about those words.

So – what did I do about about NBC.  Simple – I bought a dishwasher this weekend and it was not ,made by General Electric.  There will be no more purchases of GE products in my home again – ever.

And by the way, I am sure George Bush was the lead editor of the NBC tribute.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sarah Palin is Stupid?

I am so confused.  I have decided to write down an actual conversation I had with a very close friend of mine…

For my liberal friends that read this blog, my verbiage will follow the word “me” and my friend’s verbiage will follow the word “friend.”


Here goes it…


Me - “I think I might like Sarah Palin to be our next President”

Friend – “Really?  Are you kidding?  She is so S T U P I D.”

Me – “Have you read her book?”

Friend – “No.”

Me – “Have you seen her ‘made for television’ documentary about Alaska?”

Friend – “No.”

Me – “Have you read anything about her energy policy when she was governor of Alaska?”

Friend – “No.”

Me – “You do know she was the governor of Alaska, mayor of a city, and an elected council woman – right?”

Friend – “Yes, but those were hack jobs. And, she quit being governor in the middle of her term.”

Me – “Do you know why she quit?”

Friend – “Does it matter?”

Me – “No, guess not, what is a hack job?”

Friend – “You know, they don’t really mean anything, sort of like teaching.”

Me – “You do know she owned her own business – right?”

Friend – “Yeah, but it wasn’t that big.”

Me – “Have you read about anything about what she does or has done?”

Friend – “No – don’t need to, she is stupid.”

Me – “Wow.”

Friend – “Just wait, the New York Times has copies of all her emails and I know they are going to find stuff out in those emails that will prove she is stupid.  Just wait Ron Morrison… just wait!”

Me – “Has the New York Times done this type of email scrunity to anyone else?”

Friend – “Not that I know of, but she deserves it.”

Me – “Why?”

Friend and Me in unison – “BECAUSE SHE IS STUPID.”

Me – “So let me see if I have this right, you have not read her book, you know nothing about her political accomplishments, you know nothing about her business life, you know nothing about her personal life, you are satisified that the New York Times has asked its readers to look through her emails to find out ‘junk” on her and through all of that you have reached the conclusion she is stupid.”

Friend – “Yes.”

Me – “Yep, well I guess you have proved it, she is stupid, hard to argue with logic based in lack of understanding and forming conclusions that cant be readily justified.”

Friend – “See, I told you she was stupid.  You should listen to me more often.”

Me – “What do you think about Anthony Weiner?”