I have watched the events of the last few days unfold in your county with great sadness. I am saddened at the lives that were lost in this random act of violence. I am, however, most impressed with the father of Taylor Green. Best I can recall Mr. Green said two things that make a world of sense to me in this senseless situation. First, he said that “we will always have random acts of violence.” Second, he said in relation to his Taylor’s death that “this is the price we pay for living in a truly free country.”
Sheriff I am utterly disgusted at your political spin on the situation. You have made numerous statements that the political rhetoric in this country has consequences. You have gently pushed those who hear your rhetoric to accept your thoughts that political voices on the radio and on television have led to this tragic event caused by this lunatic. Since you are a democrat I can only reach the conclusion that you must be talking about voices of rhetoric that oppose the democrat voices of rhetoric.
Sheriff, you should be ashamed in how you are representing yourself in this situation. It was not the political rhetoric or harsh political dialogue that caused this, it was one crazed killer.
I would like to close by simply saying that lack of political dialogue has worse consequences, and that is evidenced by the wars that this nation has fought. In fact, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and when terrorist bombed the World Trade Center, the United States was not in dialogue of any kind with the aggressors. Thus, there was no discussion at all and the consequences were great.
Lastly, you speak of the “America you grew up in...” and in fact, you have referenced that “America” in every interview I have seen you give since the shooting. Well Sheriff, with all due respect, it is your generation and your generation’s lack of leadership that has created the America you describe. You Sheriff and your generation have let us down.
In relation to you politicizing this horrible event, it is my belief that you should resign immediately.