Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yes is No … I mean No is Yes… Just Wait!!!

As you know by now the Senate has passed cloture in order to begin debate on the health care bill.

I had the opportunity to watch and listen as some of these morons stated their points and cast their votes.

My prediction is it will pass and we will be stuck with this piece of legislation until the next election. 

However… I predict this is what the liberals WHO VOTE FOR THE BILL will sound like when they are scrambling to explain why they voted yes on cloture and eventually will vote yes on the bill.

It might sound something like this…

Imagine that fine Louisiana or Arkansas liberal that sold you out…

“You see… I voted YES on the motion to cloture.  I really had no intention of supporting the bill as it was written.  I voted YES to move out of cloture, in fact, I intended to vote NO on the bill and YES only to debate bill I would vote NO on later when I made my NO a YES for you. 

So you see,  I never really voted YES for the bill… per say…. but rather to debate on the bill.  So my vote was a vote to talk about healthcare not a vote to change healthcare.  And then when the bill hit the floor… I became confused… You see, I was thinking I was again voting for cloture – so - I cast a YES vote… but in reality meant to cast a NO vote. 

In essence, you must look at what I intended to do… and that was to vote NO.  However, I realize it looks like I voted YES – especially since that is what the record says – but that is not what I meant to do.  So what I am asking is for you to put yourself in my shoes and imagine the confusion.  A NO vote means I would make  Obama mad and a YES vote means I make you mad.  Clearly - Obama is smarter than you – and AARP agreed with him and they are the experts of old people and healthcare– so I acted against my intention to vote NO and voted YES.  This was very difficult – I was engaged in turmoil over how to convince you my YES was NO and my NO was YES.  Again I never – never – had the intention of this legislation passing.  My only intention was to keep Obama happy.  Therefore, you can clearly see – my intention has been with you – the people – this entire time.  I never meant to vote YES, but NO, so my NO was really YES and my YES became NO.  Now you can see that I was confused by what I meant in how I cast my ballot for you by voting YES against your resounding NO.  See?”

And before you think I am crazy – Click here!!!

This is what they think of you!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm – Alleged Killeen Killer on Obama Transition Panel

You may have heard on the news that the White House was sitting on information about the alleged Fort Hood murderer Nidal Hasan.

Is this even possible?

Do you wonder why that could be?

Just for grins and giggles – let us take a look at page 32 of this report on the Presidential Transition Task Force for Homeland Security.

Wow – according to page 32 it appears to me that Nidal Hasan was part of the President’s committee.

Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm!

I’ll be a son-of-a-gun!

Nidal Hasan is on the Presidents Team.

I bet the military commanders knew this.

I bet I will be labeled a racist for brining this up.

Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm!

Is it possible that those who knew Nidal Hasan was connected to the President’s team may have chose not to act on his “crazy – empty threats” because of his relationship to the White House?

Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm!

Incredible.  I wonder how many of the investigative officers know this?  Hopefully all of them do, by now. 

So let me summarize for those of you in California:

Nidal Hasan, the alleged killer at Fort Hood, was on 0bama's "Homeland Security transition team".

Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm!

This is the group responsible, as I understand it, for moving Homeland Security toward labeling white and conservative groups as being "dangerous."

Hmmm, Hmmm, Hmmm!

Dear Mr. President:

  1. What did you know?
  2. When did you know it?

If those questions were good enough for Nixon – they are good enough for you!

We fellow American socialists - so much for transparency. 

I think I will ram my head back in the sand and join the rest of the apathetic public.

If you voted for Obama and choose to stand behind him and his NON-transparent transparency of change – then shame on you!

So Ron – what do we do?

Get active. Get involved. Get off you butt. Start now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hope you are sleeping well…

While you were sleeping your president made a few appointments that should scare the living hell out of you.

Yes… your president – who has decided we are not Christian nation- his words – not mine - has appointed Arif Alikhan – a well known Muslim to a high level policy-making position in the US DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY!

And my PERSONAL FAVORITE – Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria.  ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTEINS.  This man – born in SYRIA is now the ADC National Executive Director and a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).

Me – I am not to worried about it.  The Killeen massacre was just another murder, the 9-11 twin towers were just a few misdirected zealots, the USS Cole was a rogue extremist…. ETC… 

I mean – after all – there is no other religion in the world killing Americans in the name of their God.  But – don’t worry.

Don’t worry about this.  I am just a racist extremist.  It will be okay.  Honestly.


I really think I am going to run!

Why I am learning of this – not from my elected officials - who should be screaming from the mountaintops – but from a newsfeed to a Mussilim network.  For God’s sake people – wake up!

You people who defend your President by calling others names and blaming everything on George Bush better wake up!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

America Changed Last Night

By now you know the health care bill passed the US House of Representatives last night.  There is so much to write about this topic – but I will remain brief and start with a few simple thoughts.

In essence the government took the first step in taking control of 1/6th of the US economy. 

(Oh – it is OK Ron – don’t worry.  The AMA and AARP said so.  And Gene Green told me it will be OK.  Don’t worry Ron – think positive.  Something had to be done – right?  People dying in the streets in mass etc…)

Please get this:

  1. Our government now owns your banks.
  2. Our government now owns your insurance companies.
  3. Our government now owns your automobile manufactures.
  4. Our government now is in control of YOUR HEALTH.

Is this what we are about?  Is this what our founders envisioned?

Income Tax & Healthcare – Similar Origins

Income tax began in 1861. The original tax was levied to pay for the war effort of the American Civil War.   The first income tax was 3% of all incomes over $800.00. The tax was repealed and replaced by another income tax in 1862.

In 1894, Democrats passed the Wilson-Gorman tariff, which imposed the first peacetime income tax. The rate was 2% on income over $4000, which meant fewer than 10% of households would pay any. The purpose of the income tax was to make up for revenue that would be lost by tariff reductions.  I ask you… did the intention of the bill outlive the reality of where we are now? NO!


  • Income tax, like healthcare, was meant to be the responsibility of the “wealthiest” Americans.
  • Currently – healthcare costs will be funded by those making over $500,000.00 a year.  EVENTUALLY THAT AMOUNT WILL BE LOWERED and 60% of us will foot the bill for 40% – Just like income tax!
  • You will pay for healthcare for those who say “I can’t afford it” as they live in a $300,000.00 home OR drive an $80,000.00 BMW OR gamble away their income OR fail to prioritize their finances to cover what is most important ETC…

There is no constitutional provision for this type of wealth redistribution – NONE – ZIP – ZERO - but yet – your congress seems perfectly willing to do it.

In the last 24 months these three major legislative pieces have passed:

  1. TARP (700 billion dollars)
  2. CAP and TRADE ( will raise your energy bill by $150.00 / month)
  3. Healthcare (1.4 trillion dollars)

Our congress is killing our economic freedom.

Here is my final question – What are you doing about it?

If you think the life of soccer games and beer drinking will continue as we spiral into economic turmoil – think again!

By the way – I think since bearing arms is a constitution right – the government should buy everyone a gun and make them carry it – even if they don’t want to….