Friday, March 19, 2010

It is not about healthcare…

Why don’t we set the record straight.  The healthcare bill is not about healthcare.  It is about freedom.

Yes, there are many issues surrounding the healthcare crisis, but ultimately this is about freedom.

Let me remind you, the government ALWAYS – without exception – over promises and under delivers.

Health care will be no exception.


This past week your President was interviewed by the evil Fox News Network.  During that interview he said that he was not was not concerned about the procedural issues in the Senate or the House.  He said, we needed to get this bill done, period, not matter what it takes.

My interpretation is this – THE ENDS, JUSTIFIES the MEANS.

This is the most dangerous thought to freedom.

The reason law abiding people submit to the constitution is because of law and process.  The House is currently attempting to figure out how they can circumvent the law and bring this bill into law without a direct vote on the law.  100% unconstitutional.

Again, the reason law abiding people such as myself submit to the constitution is because the process is bigger then us.  However, when the ends begin to justify the means, freedom is in jeopardy.  When the House and Senate are figuring out ways to circumvent the will of the people, their remains little difference between their actions and that of tyrants.

I challenge you people that read this NOT to get wrapped up into healthcare.  If it were good thing, this country would embrace it.  However, the reality is that the latest polls show 66% of the country against it.

Again – I believe it is about freedom.  Not healthcare. 

My thoughts.

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