Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ron for RNC Chairman…

Ok… so Michael Steel, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, has made a few critical errors as of late. 

His most recent error is not understanding how to position himself in relation to the wars we are fighting.

Frankly, I am tired of the GOP not getting it.  So, if you want me to serve as Chairman of the GOP, then get busy and nominate me.  Send a link of this post to everyone you know.  Call in favors.  Get me appointed to lead the GOP!

Just for clarity, let me tell you what I will bring to the GOP.

Below is my no confusion list for the United States of America:

  1. We must return our country to the super power status we once enjoyed.  We must do this in both an economic and militaristic sense.
  2. We must reduce taxes on the most taxed Americans to free up money to create jobs.  This will require radical reform of the tax system.
  3. We must clean up the oil.  It must be cleaned up now!  And yes, we will need international help.
  4. We must stop the leak.
  5. We must lift the moratorium on drilling.
  6. We must drill on shore, here and now.
  7. We must secure the border by any means necessary.  It must be secure now.  The border patrol agents and military personnel assigned to the border need the authority to what needs to be done without fear of prosecution for the lawful performance of their duties.  We must match force for force the violence we are facing.  Period. Dot. The end.
  8. We must stop federal spending.  We must stop it now.  We must not spend another penny until we have cut the budget to match the intake less 25%!
  9. We must reduce the size of government immediately.
  10. We must reduce the deficit, even if it means cutting programs.
  11. We must pass constitutional amendments for term limits, gun control relief, a balanced budget, and the presidential line item veto.
  12. We must end pork barrel spending.
  13. We must get the government out of private business. 
  14. We must adopt a policy that financial failure is part of capitalism and no business is too big to fail.  Even GM, even Fannie Mae, etc…
  15. We must end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by killing the enemies of the Untied States.  We are not in the business of nation building.  If that is a result of our enemies being killed, then great.  We must allow the US military to use whatever strategy is necessary to kill and destroy the enemies of this country.
  16. We must protect free speech.
  17. We must take a stand and quit playing the political correctness game.
  18. We must appoint noble people with a proven judicial track record to the United States Supreme Court.
  19. We must withdrawal from the United Nations and send them out of our nation.
  20. We must fight for what is right and we must not give up!

If your GOP leaders are not communicating these messages it is because they are either scared or ignorant.  In either case, they need to get on board or get out.

I am willing to lead the RNC and communicate my 20 points clearly, loudly, and boldly.  I am willing to fight for every one of those points.  I am willing to call out those who need to be called out and tell you who to send home from DC.  It is time for an enema into the nation’s capitol.

Frankly – I am tired of this non-sense.

And a side note to Governor Perry – what the hell are you thinking lately Rick?  No border bill?  Really?

Get me appointed and watch us change this country.

Ron – RNC Chairman – I like it!

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