Sunday, September 20, 2009

Clean YOUR house… And start at the top!

In an emotional commentary, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed a choked-up concern over the prospect of pointed political rhetoric turning to violence. 

But don’t take my word for it… CLICK HERE to watch it!!

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is concerned about extremist political rhetoric and the violence that it may inspire. Citing the Harvey Milk assassination of the 1970's, Pelosi said that she has seen this phenomenon before…

- Give me a break -


  1. The Speaker of the House is THIRD in line to become the President of the United States.
  2. She (the speaker of the house) has displayed great weakness to deal with domestic issues as seen through her emotional diatribe.
  3. Our enemies already perceive our President as weak…our Vice President as a total clown… and now his second successor looks weaker than both of them combined!!!
  4. Her “soft” assertions of violence almost seem as if that is what she wants… at least in my opinion.

My thoughts…

  1. It is time for to step down as speaker.
  2. Every single elected congressman needs to thrown out of office.  Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians… EVERY DAMN ONE OF THEM – EXCEPT – Joe Wilson and the 17 core of voting consistency! (Oh Ron you may say… there are good ones… REALLY?  Why aren’t they screaming from the mountain tops?  Why aren’t they leading a political revolution? WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?)
  3. America needs a reeducation on what it means to be a CONSTITUTIONALLY CENTERED GOVERNMENT!
  4. You folks that are so focused on life… you better get your head out of the sand and get involved.

What I did…

  1. I called her office and told her to resign.
  2. I called every single elected rep in Texas and told them they must oust her.

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