Monday, September 28, 2009

Rhetoric of a Witch Doctor - Warlock

Again - I have been watching CNN and MSNBC the past few days.

During that time I have learned that I might be Witch Doctor – perhaps a Warlock.

You also might be a Witch Doctor, Warlock or Witch if…

- You think President Obama made a mistake by beginning to dismantle the Middle Eastern defense shield and putting our NATO allies at risk and virtually destroying our credibility.


- You did not want schools to carry President Obama's message.


-You are sick of the US apology tour.


- You think the UN IS A _______in’ joke.


- You think the farmers in Fresno deserve water for their farms.


- You disagree with anything that Mr. Obama has said.


- If you believe that our borders need to be secure and those who are here illegally should not get ONE DIME from the US Government.

- You believe the 2nd amendment allows you to keep and bear arms.


- You go to a town hall meeting and actually speak opposition to the proposed government take over of health care.


- You go to a town hall meeting and actually speak opposition to CRAP and TAX--- sorry – Cap and Trade.


- You are opposed to paying higher taxes so that people who do not work can be stay at home employees of the government.


- You own, have ever owned, or intend to own a vehicle that gets less that 30 MPG.


- You think GM, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and others should have failed and went bankrupt because of their lack business ethics.


- You opposed the bailouts.


- You oppose how our Secretary of State is making a total ass of herself and this country abroad.


- You are opposed the cap and trade legislation that will cause our utility bills to skyrocket.


- You support a non-white candidate who is conservative.


- You think Congressman like Gene Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee need to leave office because they are serving Nancy Pelosi and not their constituents.


- You want the government to smaller, tax less, and leave you alone.

Now before those of you on the left who know me write me and tell me how mean I am and that I have just misunderstood Keith O, Rachel M, and others…. just know that  I have clip from CNN or MSNBC to back up each one of these comments from their highly intellectual journalists.

And yes – I substituted the word WITHC DOCTOR, WARLOCK, and WITCH for racist.  Sounds a little silly – yes?

I am not a racist – and I am silent no more!

Until we meet again… may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

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