Saturday, July 18, 2009

3 Elected Officials


My entire motivation for creating this blog is political involvement.  My previous two posts focused on:

    1. Identifying 5 people who need you to help them with political understanding and,
    2. Defining the 4 R’s of restoring true conservative values.

This post focuses on 3 people at the federal level who really should be paying attention to you.  They are your two US Senators and your US Congressmen.

It seems to me, as of late, that many of our elected representatives have lost touch with reality.  So before I write my anecdotal stories of dealing with each - lets talk about how to start making your voice heard.  This is the basic list:

  1. Know your US Congressman.  Everyone in the USA lives in a congressional district.  For instance I live in US Congressional District #8 and my US Representative is Kevin Brady.  You can find all of your elected officials information at
  2. Know your US Senators.  Every state in the USA elects two Senators.  Since I live in Texas mine are Kay Bailey Hutchinson and John Cornyn.  This information can also be found at
  3. Learn as much of their contact information as you can.  I know that each of my 3 federal officials have offices in both Texas and Washington D.C.  For instance, Kevin Brady’s home office in Conroe, Texas is 936-441-5700 and his D.C. office is 202-225-4901.  I have a total of six phone numbers set to speed dial in my cell phone for all of my officials.  (On a side note, I also have US Congressman of other neighboring districts set to speed dial as well.)
  4. Call them and call them regularly.   I typically call with two purposes in mind.  First – to find out how the official intends to vote on a specific issues and second, to express my opinion an that issue. 

I use this format to express my opinion:

    • Introduce myself
    • Provide my zip code
    • State you expected vote
    • Summarize your thoughts

My most recent call to Senator Hutchison’s offices sounded like this…

“Hello – I am Ron and I live in Texas.  My zip code is XXXXX.  I am calling to get a message to the Senator.  I want her to know that I expect her to VOTE AGAINST the hate crimes bill that is now before the Senate.  I am opposed to this as I am opposed to special protection of any group – thank you.”

When I call to inquire of how an official stands on an issue, I use this format:

    • Introduce myself
    • Provide my zip code
    • Ask for known plans for an issue
    • Ask for a call back if I don’t get an answer or I ask to speak with a Senior Staff member.

My most recent call to Representative Brady’s offices sounded like this…

“Hello – I am Ron and I live in Mr. Brady’s district.  Do you know how he intends to vote on healthcare reform?”

I do this to see if I need to muster support of friends and family.  I do this if he is undecided or opposed to my thoughts.

If I do not get an answer – I ALWAYS ASK FOR A CALL BACK.

All of this can be done with email as well!!

Basic Info Gathering…

Next lets talk about how to get information.  Thanks to the internet, there are ample ways to stay plugged in to what is happening.

In the link section of this blog you will find several starting points.  I like them all.  There are many more available than what I have listed.

If you are new, start with these and explore the links provided at each site.  It is amazing what is out there.

Again, provides the most recent bills that are being considered. Senate bills are identified with “S” and house bills with “HR”.

Youtube is a great resource for seeing people in their own words.

Advanced Involvement…

A few tricks I have learned to get my voice heard.

  1. You  may request a personal meeting with your elected officials.  Don’t be afraid to make that request.  When you do make the request, have them email you the meeting request form.  Most staffers are trained to attempt to answer your questions so that you will not want to request a meeting.  Don’t let them talk you out of the request.
  2. When the form is sent to you via email, capture the email address.  You now have an active staffer’s email.  This has been most helpful for me.  (Do schedule a meeting and have it.  Be prepared!)
  3. If you are in DC, walk in to the offices.  Become your own lobbyist.  Walk in, introduce yourself, and asked to see your representative.  You may be surprised how easy it really is…
  4. When you call your official’s offices and a staff member does not know the answer to your question… demand a call back.  This puts you on the radar as being serious.

Until we meet again, may God bless you and may God bless the USA.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

4 R’s

Truth and Fiction

Defining conservatism has been somewhat of challenge for many people.  Let me start by saying that many people make the assumption that if a person is a “republican” then that person is a conservative.  This is not true.  Not all conservatives are republicans and not all republicans are conservative.

For instance, it is my opinion that Hilary Clinton is more conservative than John McCain. (Talk amongst yourselves.)

Four Simple Principles

There are four basic principles that drive a conservative thought and action process.  They are uniquely simple:

  1. The US Federal Government is to be limited in size, power, and authority. (SMALL GOVERNMENT)
  2. Each citizen is responsible and accountable for his/her decisions, judgments and actions under a rule of law that is applied equally to all. (INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLITY / LIBERTY)
  3. Taxes and spending are to be strictly limited to essential governmental functions as defined in the constitution.  Further, taxes are to be equally assessed and spending is not to favor any division or sect of society more than another. (LIMITED TAXES & SPENDING) 
  4. The US Constitution is the supreme governmental authority and is to be followed.  It is to only be amended by the prescription of the document itself - not by the courts, the judicial branch or the executive branch. (CONSTITUTIONAL BASED GOVERNMENT)

The 4 R’s – Honing In…

The 4 R’s – in my humble opinion – are what is desperately needed to get the USA back on track.  From this point forward I am supporting and voting for ONLY for candidates that understand them, can articulate them and have a track record of voting ONLY for laws that head us this direction.  I call these the 4 R’s of radical restoration:

  1. Reduce the size of the federal government.
  2. Restore individual liberty and responsibility.
  3. Reign in taxes and spending.
  4. Re-Read the US Constitution.

Until we meet again – may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

5 People

We all know people who are absolutely, positively not educated in the political arena.  Most of these people are apathetic or worse yet, know just enough about a subject to be dangerous.

Here is what I have experienced with most people when it comes to a historical and individual understanding of government:

  1. They typically rely on a snapshot of the three major media outlets for their entire political understanding.
  2. They typically have no idea what the United States Constitution really says or means.
  3. They typically have no idea how the founding fathers created this free nation much less why!
  4. They typically make decisions based entirely on emotions and the thought of “doing good for the whole.”
  5. Often, they carry some type of injustice / resentment toward an establishment or toward people who are more successful than themselves.

When you consider the five ideas above, consider these videos:

Chris Matthews on ANAYLIS – only a CHILL – ZERO FACTS – ONLY FEELINGS!!!

Obama to pay Peggy’s mortgage because she is going to help him.

Obama to get Julio more just because he has worked at McDonalds a few year and THINKS he needs more.

None of this is constitutionally based thought or mindset, it is all EMOTIONS!

Be aware --- there are really people that think like this!

Again – our founders would be vomiting blood if they heard this!!

So… to start an effective change process at the grassroots level, you must meet these people where they are… lost.

My challenge to each of you is very simple – identify 5 – only 5 people that need a more in-depth understanding history and the government.  Target people who:

  1. Are likely to vote.
  2. Are likely to read.
  3. Are willing to accept a challenge to their belief structures.
  4. Are willing to become educated on a topic.

I have identified my 5, and I encourage you to identify yours.

More on what to with them later….

Until we meet again, may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Speech at the Capitol

July the 4th was a great day! I had the honor and privilege to stand on the stage and deliver speeches with Texas Governor Rick Perry, US Senator John Cornyn, and US House Rep Louie Gohmert. The conversations shared were unique and insightful!!

Below are excerpts from the speech I delivered.

“Good afternoon Austin Texas - I am both privileged an honored to stand in front of such a great crowd in the most blessed nation in the greatest state in the union! I am proud to be a Texan and an American!

It is hot… I am hot… you are hot… but nonetheless we have work to do! We can’t let our discomfort get in the way of what we must do to insure a FREE AND PROSPEROUS NATION!

In November of last year a man took the office of president…

That man promised us change…

That man promised us new thinking…

That man promised us a better nation…

That man asked us to give him due consideration…

- BUT -

His actions are without contemplation…

His decisions are without deliberation…

His progress is built on false realizations…

- SO -

What we have to show for it is an OBAMNATION!

I am here today with one goal in mind and that is to share with you my vision of transformation. Transformation from an OBAMANATION back to a free and prosperous nation!

I want to ask you…a free and prosperous nation… Is that change you can believe in?

I want YOU to transform this nation!

I want YOU to make a difference!

Answer these BOLDLY…

  1. Are you willing to transform this nation?
  2. Are you ready to transform this nation?




Let me tell you this…CHANGE




HERE – ME - NOW!!!

Here is my countdown to freedom – the five simple things we can all do to begin transformation.

Start with sharing and adopting the vision of a free and prosperous nation.

Next, realize people are lost, they are confused and they are historically uneducated. Your neighbors, your friends, your relatives… they typically are politically and constitutionally clueless.

Understand that they need you to guide them. I want you to adopt 5 people to take with you on your journey to restoring a free and prosperous nation!

Next, I want you to learn and know the FOUR R’s of conservative restoration.

  1. Reduce the size of government…
  2. Reign in spending and taxes…
  3. Restore individual responsibility…
  4. READ the constitution…

If you think these principles are important… then you must – I SAY YOU MUST - elect people who:

  1. Understand them…
  2. Live them…
  3. Vote for laws that support them…

Next, learn the phone numbers – faxes – and emails of your three elected federal officials. Call them – email them – write them – fax them – go to their offices!

Next pick two ideals that you are passionate about. I don’t care if it is big government, the right to life, term limits, illegal immigration, foreign policy, etc…


So let’s review….

5 – People to lead!

4 – Rs to conservative reform!

3- Officials to reach!

2 – Ideals to adopt!



Do something OR do nothing!!

I want to challenge you to make the right choice!!

Help us as we begin to TRANSFORM this OBAMANATION to a once again FREE AND PROSPEROUS NATION.

5- People

4- Rs

3 – Officals

2- Ideals


Until we meet again… May God Bless Each and Everyone of You May God Bless The USA!”

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Change you can believe in?

In my last writing I discussed the need for change. Let me be clear… I am talking about radical restoration of the United States.

The US has been deteriorating for a number of years. What I mean by that is we are moving farther away from the truths that established this nation. This is not the same United States in which I grew up!

Now that the man who promised change we can believe is in office… AND we do not have the change he promised. In fact… you may recall a few things he promised.

1) He promised transparency. To see how well he is doing on that take a look at this press conference. This press secretary is SMUG… I mean SMUG! Listen to Helen Thomas – the longest reporting journalist in the White House Press Room AND a huge Obama supporter.

2) He promised reduction in taxes to 95% of us. Considering the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has said that the recently passed Cap and Trade bill will be the largest energy tax ever and will cause our energy bills to seriously increase I think he has lied. And that is fact I can believe in. But… don’t take my word for it, see what Obama has said himself.

3) He promised a new way of government. Our speak of the house, Nancy Pelosi, is STILL ACCUSSING the CIA of lying to congress. (Something yet to be proven.) Again, don’t take my word for it. Listen to Nancy herself.

So… I want to ask you… is this change YOU can believe in?

Not me, time for change to a radically restored United States!

In my next writing…

“The Baseline Steps to a Grassroots Restoration.”

Until we meet again, may God bless you and may God bless the United States.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Changes starts with me...

Three Baseline Political Truths
  1. Political changes starts with an individual!
  2. More that 60% of Americans today are apathetic until an issue smacks them dead square in the face!
  3. Change starts with YOU!

A few weeks ago I did a segment on a radio show in Austin. The segment focused on what a grassroot effort "looks like" in a political movement.

The purpos of these writing is to define what a grassroots effort "looks like" and what is this country needs in order to insure that we have a free and prosperous America!

If you think America is in great shape and we are headed the right direction, then you need to read no farther. If you think that America is headed down the wrong path and in need of political correction... then you to check back frequently. In fact... you need to get involved.

Over the next few weeks I intend to post a variety of ideas and topics as to what I think is needed to change the direction of this nation.

My goal is to effect change that insures freedom and prosperity.

As you read, you may disagree with me... but I would encourage you to expend your energy and time fighting for change and not arguing with me.

If you are confused about what to do and how to do it... then I am here to help!

The first and most basic principle is very simple...
Change begins with the individual!

I watch so many people stand idly by and wait for someone else to lead the change. Their thoughts seem to be... "don't worry, they will do it"... or ...."it is already handled"... or... "the government will never let anything like that happen."

Most people are 100% apathetic until an issue hits them smack in the face.

If you identify with that... and you are frustrated, then do something!

America is on fast track to socialism. Our government - yes our GOVERNMENT - now owns a stake in General Motors, AIG, Bank of America and countless other entities.

Our founding fathers would be vomiting blood if they were alive to see and hear what our government is doing!

Our elected officials seem to have forgotten that they are elected and - oh yes - there is a constitution!

So... what do we do to change it?

Change - real change - starts with you! That sounds good but will be meaningless until you embrace these words and say it like this...


Once you have the principle internalized that CHANGE STARTS WITH ME - you are then on your way to creating an impact in the political arena.

Remember - change starts with me - and don't forget it!

Until we meet again - God bless you and God bless the USA!