Sunday, July 12, 2009

4 R’s

Truth and Fiction

Defining conservatism has been somewhat of challenge for many people.  Let me start by saying that many people make the assumption that if a person is a “republican” then that person is a conservative.  This is not true.  Not all conservatives are republicans and not all republicans are conservative.

For instance, it is my opinion that Hilary Clinton is more conservative than John McCain. (Talk amongst yourselves.)

Four Simple Principles

There are four basic principles that drive a conservative thought and action process.  They are uniquely simple:

  1. The US Federal Government is to be limited in size, power, and authority. (SMALL GOVERNMENT)
  2. Each citizen is responsible and accountable for his/her decisions, judgments and actions under a rule of law that is applied equally to all. (INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLITY / LIBERTY)
  3. Taxes and spending are to be strictly limited to essential governmental functions as defined in the constitution.  Further, taxes are to be equally assessed and spending is not to favor any division or sect of society more than another. (LIMITED TAXES & SPENDING) 
  4. The US Constitution is the supreme governmental authority and is to be followed.  It is to only be amended by the prescription of the document itself - not by the courts, the judicial branch or the executive branch. (CONSTITUTIONAL BASED GOVERNMENT)

The 4 R’s – Honing In…

The 4 R’s – in my humble opinion – are what is desperately needed to get the USA back on track.  From this point forward I am supporting and voting for ONLY for candidates that understand them, can articulate them and have a track record of voting ONLY for laws that head us this direction.  I call these the 4 R’s of radical restoration:

  1. Reduce the size of the federal government.
  2. Restore individual liberty and responsibility.
  3. Reign in taxes and spending.
  4. Re-Read the US Constitution.

Until we meet again – may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!!

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