Monday, August 31, 2009

Are you kidding me?


This video of Fairfax County (VA) School District Police Officer Wesley Cheeks Jr., was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at Rep. Jim Morans (D-VA) Town Hall meeting on Obama care. 

The meeting was held at South Lakes High School in Reston, Virginia, in Fairfax County. Many people were left outside when the school filled to capacity.

Fairfax County School Police Officer Wesley Cheeks, Jr. did not approve of a protesters anti-Obamacare poster which used one of the Joker graphics.

Watch the video and see what happens when Officer Cheeks sees the anti-Obamacare poster.

May God help us all!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two simple questions…

I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it!

Today I don’t feel like writing.  Many of you may think that is a good thing, but I am just flat out concerned about where our nation is headed. 

It is my estimation that so many people have their head buried in the sand as to what is happening in our country.  Many of you will not read past this paragraph because this is nonsense to you. 

OK… don’t read, don’t get involved, but remember - the German propaganda was nonsense, so was the Russian propaganda, and the middle eastern propaganda.  Nothing ever came out of those propaganda producing machines.  In fact, the holocaust was a lie, Russia remains the greatest nation in the world, and women in the middle east aren't stoned to death when their hubby doesn’t like them anymore.

Go ahead… live life like you know it…you have a good three years of freedom left.  When they shut off the NFL, NBA, or MLB maybe you will wake the hell up.

When they shut off American Idol or Survivor maybe you will push hard enough to free your head.

Or – when they decide that little league shouldn't be allowed in the suburbs because there are no fields in the inner cities.

Or – when they decide children shouldn't keep score in games because it creates winners and losers and nobody should ever lose.

OH wait… that will never happen… this is America. 

WRONG – that would not happen in your grandparent’s America – but it can darn sure happen here!

I talk to people daily that are willing to sacrifice their liberty for comfort of mind. (Healthcare).  Even more scary… they are willing to sacrifice MY liberty for their comfort of mind (Cap and Trade and climate change).  This goes back to George Bush (Homeland Security) and now to Hussein Obama (FCC control of airwaves.)

A few weeks ago I blogged a piece titled - “While you were sleeping.”  So my first question to you is this…


If you hit the snooze button and don’t pay attention to what is happening right now I am afraid that what we call America will vanish before our eyes.

Those of you on the left who read this blog remember one thing… if you don’t stand for the most basic constitutional rights in this county for everyone, nobody will be left to stand for you when this county falls under Marxist control.

My second question is this:


“I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it!”  This is one of my favorite quotes.  But I tell you with 100% honesty… I would die for your right to speak.

In late 1700 a group of men gathered and  created a pack together.  It was very simple – they banded together and committed to each other that they would die for each other and for the future of this nation so that we could all enjoy LIBERTY.

Will you die for liberty? 

Will you die so that your political opponents can be heard? 

Really?  Will you die if Marxism goes on a full march in this nation? Really?

Will you take a bullet – will you – for your kids?  For your nation? 

I have NEVER called anyone on the left names, grouped them together or attempted to silence them.  The reverse is simply not true.  In the last few weeks I have been called a racist, an extremist, a leader in the vast right wing conspiracy, a homophobe and so no….

Why the names you may asked.  Very simple – divide and conquer.  If I can be grouped, I can be isolated.

Those on the extreme left would have people like me silenced. 

Not yet… first they will take out Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michel Berry, Fox News, and then people like me who oppose the ideas of big government.


READ IT AGAIN – IT IS THE FACT I OPPOSE.  The current administration is 100% comfortable shutting down opposing ideas.  They have said so.

So… what happens when you oppose?

Again – two simple questions:

Are you sleeping?

Will you die for my right of free speech?  Will you? Really?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

You might be a _______ if….

I have been watching CNN and MSNBC the past few days. During that time I have learned that I might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR -a racist if I do not like the direction our President and elected officials are taking this nation.

So… continuing on my earlier play of Jeff Foxworthy’s playbook… this is what I have learned…

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR -a racist IF…

- You disagree with anything that Mr. Obama has said.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- If you believe that our borders need to be secure and those who are here illegally should not get ONE DIME from the US Government.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You believe the 2nd amendment allows you to keep and bear arms.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You go to a town hall meeting and actually speak opposition to the proposed government take over of health care.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You go to a town hall meeting and actually speak opposition to CRAP and TAX--- sorry – Cap and Trade.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You are opposed to paying higher taxes so that people who do not work can be stay at home employees of the government.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You own, have ever owned, or intend to own a vehicle that gets less that 30 MPG.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You think GM, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and others should have failed and went bankrupt because of their lack business ethics.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR -a racist IF…

- You opposed the bailouts.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR -a racist IF…

- You oppose how our Secretary of State is making a total ass of herself and this country abroad.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR -a racist IF…

- You are opposed the cap and trade legislation that will cause our utility bills to skyrocket.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR -a racist IF…

- You support a non-white candidate who is conservative.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You think Congressman like Gene Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee need to leave office because they are serving Nancy Pelosi and not their constituents.

You might be anti-American – OR - an angry white male – OR - part of an organized political mob – OR – a George Bush lover – OR – unpatriotic – OR – an uneducated Christian – OR – a religious zealot – OR - a racist IF…

- You want the government to smaller, tax less, and leave you alone.

Now before those of you on the left who know me write me and tell me how mean I am and that I have just misunderstood Keith O, Rachel M, and others…. just know that  I have clip from CNN or MSNBC to back up each one of these comments from their highly intellectual journalists.

Until we meet again… may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Change we can believe in…

I saw this on a sign.  I think it is fitting:


Now we know what change is:

- More Debt

- More Taxes

- More Welfare

- More Regulation

- More Government

- More Wasteful Spending

- More Corruption

Thanks Mr. Obama!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

While you were sleeping…

While you were sleeping…

On December 20th 1988 Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was building a bomb.

While you were sleeping…

On December 21st 1988 that bomb was being placed on Pan Am Flight 103.

While you were sleeping…

In the evening of December 21st. 1988 flight Pan Am 103 exploded and pieces of the plane fell onto the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 259 people on the plane and 11 people on the ground.


While you were sleeping…

 Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, a Libyan government offical, was convicted of involvement in the bombing and sentenced to life imprisonment

And… while you were sleeping…

On 20 August 2009, the Scottish Government released him on "compassionate grounds" to return to Libya as he was suffering from terminal prostate cancer and had a life expectancy of less than 3 months.

And… while you were sleeping…

He returned home a hero to Libya a hero with a hero’s welcome.

And… while you were sleeping…

Your President, Secretary of State or Congress did nothing.

While you are sleeping tonight…

I hope you feel safe.


Please join me in expressing an immediate demand for action from our congressman.

I will be expressing my demand and outrage to Congressman Kevin Brady at his town hall meeting on Wednesday of this week – 300 West Davis – 6th Floor at 6:00 PM – and then in the voting booth a bit later.


Americans died while you were sleeping and we have done nothing.  Time to wake up!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

You might be a racist if…

I have been watching CNN and MSNBC the past few days. During that time I have learned that I MIGHT BE A RACIST.  Not because I am, but because I don’t like the direction the government is taking this nation.

So… taking a play out of Jeff Foxworthy’s playbook… this is what I have learned…

You might be a racist if…

- You oppose anything that Obama has said.

You might be a racist if…

- You believe the 2nd amendment allows you to keep and bear arms.

You might be a racist if…

- You go to a town hall meeting and speak opposition to the proposed government take over of health care.

You might be a racist if…

- You are opposed to paying higher taxes so that people who do not work can be stay at home employees of the government.

You might be a racist if…

- You own, have ever owned, or intend to own a vehicle that gets less that 30 MPG.

You might be a racist if…

- You think GM, AIG, and other should have failed and went bankrupt.

You might be racist if…

- You opposed the bailout.

You might be a racist if…

- You oppose how our Secretary of State is making a total ass of herself and this country abroad.

You might be a racist if…

- You are opposed the cap and trade legislation that will cause our utility bills to skyrocket.

You might be a racist if…

- You support a non-white candidate who is conservative.

You might be a racist if…

- You think Congressman like Gene Green and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee need to leave office because they are serving Nancy Pelosi and not their constituents.

You might be a racist if…

- You want the government to smaller, tax less, and leave you alone.


Now before those of you on the left who know me write me and tell me how mean I am and that I have just misunderstood Keith O, Rachel M, and others…. just know that  I have clip from CNN or MSNBC to back up each one of these comments from their highly intellectual journalists.

Until we meet again… may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A few good men…

Good afternoon all…

I want to bring two men to your attention.

First is Frank “Mazz” Mazzapica.  He will be running against Gene Green in Congressional District 29.  I have had several at length discussions with “Mazz” and he will represent District 29 very well.

It is time for Gene to go.  Enough said.

Frank’s website is:

You can also find him on facebook.

Do not be surprised if you see me in District 29 helping this man move his ideals forward.


Second is John Faulk.  He will be running against Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.  I am just getting to know him.

John’s website is:

It is time for cell phone toting, funeral going SJL to go!

Both these men need help.  Please visit their websites and consider getting involved.  I will keep you posted on my work with each of their perspective campaigns!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Dig this…

On Tuesday, MSNBCs Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns:

"A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip....there are questions about whether this has racial overtones....white people showing up with guns." Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

Click here to see the video showed and falsely reported on by CNN.

Click here to see the unedited version.

Following Brewers report, which occurred on the Morning Meeting program, host Dylan Ratigan and MSNBC pop culture analyst Toure discussed the supposed racism involved in the protests. Toure argued: "...there is tremendous anger in this country about government, the way government seems to be taking over the country, anger about a black person being president....we see these hate groups rising up and this is definitely part of that." Ratigan agreed: "...then they get the variable of a black president on top of all these other things and that's the move the cherry on top, if you will, to the accumulated frustration for folks."

Not only did Brewer, Ratigan, and Toure fail to point out the fact that the gun-toting protester that sparked the discussion was black, but the video footage shown of that protester was so edited, that it was impossible to see that he was black. The man appeared at a health care rally outside of President Obamas speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Phoenix, Arizona.

More at

More at

Until we meet again… may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Right Guard, Hand Gel and a lighter…

TSA at its finest!

TSA… Transportation Secrets of America – no?

TSA… Terrible Security Administration – no?

TSA… Totally Screwed Americans – no?

TSA… Terrible Service Authority – no?

I am not sure what it actually stands for… and based on what I watch them do… I am not sure what they actually do!

As I write this I am sitting in Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas.  I have just passed the screening area where three blue shirts are working and 15 blue shirts are doing nothing.  YES - I counted… 15 blue shirts doing absolutely nothing.

Now as I traveled through the screening line, the person in front of me was thoroughly interrogated because she was dumb enough to keep mouthwash in her bag.  Poor fool.  By the reaction of the blue shirts one might think she had brought an atomic bomb into the airport.

So what prompted me to write this…

After I cleared the screening… leaving Scope girl behind… I entered into a gift shop near my gate.  I did my usual perusal of books, magazine glances to check up on Brittani (by the way she has lost weight), and completed a purchase of gum and diet coke.

As cashier girl is swiping my card I look down and to my total shock and awe I see a bottle of Scope.  Yes… scope.  The same Scope for which Scope girl back the screening line was getting the wand. Yes… scope.  Then, I noticed a full apothecary of personal hygiene items that I found very unique considering the TSA rules.

So… what was there at that counter… less that 50 feet from my gate? 

Well, there was an 8 ounce bottle of  alcohol based hand gel.  (For those in San Francisco – this stuff is flammable.)  But wait… don’t be alarmed… it was stored a safe distance from the cigarette lighters. 

Yes… hand gel and lighters – 50 feet from the gate.  Now the most amazing thing, and perhaps the most ironic, was Right Guard in aerosol form. 

Now here is my question - have you ever seen the fire ball an aerosol spray is capable of producing?   MY GOD – are you kidding me?  This stuff is capable of making a blow torch that could kill an alligator.

So get this… lets say I buy the hand gel, a lighter and the spray deodorant.  I then spread the gel on seats in the plane, fire the lighter up, and shoot a fireball on the gel.  BAMN… Napalm in the sky.

All the while Scope girl is getting wanded and treated like crap.

After this, if any of you ask me why I don’t want government morons in charge of my health care… close your eyes, take a deep breath and get ready for me to hit you with my bat.  (For my liberal friends – this is a joke.  REPEAT, this is all a joke.  I would never hit you with a bat.  Fire a Right Guard blow torch at you maybe… but never the bat.)

On a side note, I showed my find to scope girl and she was a little ticked. 

She bought a lighter and then wandered aimlessly away.

In closing… try this on for size:

“Trust me, I am with the government.”

Just saying…

Saturday, August 15, 2009

If I were a congressman…

Time to amend the US Constitution

This post is simple and sweet.

If I were a congressman my first work in office would be to offer amendments to the US Constitution.  I want you to know that I deeply respect our founders and the intellect they brought to creating this nation, crafting the declaration of independence, and writing the constitution.  That said… it is time for a few amendments. 

So… if I were elected, these are the amendments I would offer:

Amendment 28 – Congressional Term Limits and Benefits

Section 1. No person shall be elected more than twice to the office of Senator with a maximum of time in office of 14 years. 

No person shall be elected more than three times to the office of representative with a maximum of time in office of 7 years.

Section 2.  No person who has held the office of Senator or Representative shall collect retirement or benefits from the United States after they have completed their term.

Section 3.  Persons serving as members of the Congress shall be entitled to benefits matching but not exceeding the lowest US military pay grade.

Amendment 30 – Balanced Budget

Section 1. Prior to each fiscal year, the Congress shall adopt a statement of receipts and outlays for that year in which total outlays are no greater than total receipts. The Congress may amend such statement provided revised outlays are not greater than revised receipts. Whenever three-fifths of the whole number of both Houses shall deem it necessary, Congress in such statement may provide for a specific excess of outlays over receipts by a vote directly to that subject. The Congress and the President shall ensure that actual outlays do not exceed the outlays set forth in such statement.

Section 2. Total receipts for any fiscal year set forth in the statement adopted pursuant to this article shall not increase by a rate greater than the rate of increase in national income in the last calendar year ending before such fiscal year, unless a majority of the whole number of both Houses of Congress shall have passed a bill directed solely to approving specific additional receipts and such bill has become law.

Section 3. The Congress may waive the provisions of this article for any fiscal year in which a declaration of war is in effect.

Section 4. The Congress may not require that the states engage in additional activities without compensation equal to the additional costs.

Section 5. Total receipts shall include all receipts of the United States except those derived from borrowing and total outlays shall include all outlays of the United States except those for repayment of debt principal.

Section 6. This article shall take effect for the second fiscal year beginning after its ratification.

Amendment 31 – Tax

Section 1.  All federal taxes are now abolished and Congress’s ability to levy and collect taxes is restricted to this amendment.

Section 2.  The only taxes that Congress may levy is the US Federal Income Tax and National Sales Tax.

Section 3.The Congress may levy a Federal Income Tax not to exceed 10% to any one individual or business, public or private.

Section 4.  The Congress may levy a National Sales Tax not to exceed 1% on the sale of goods and service sold in the United States and abroad.

Amendment 32 – Effects of Law

Congress cannot exempt themselves from the effects of any law of the United States.

Amendment 33 – Radio and Television Transmission

Congress shall make no law, pass no regulation that impacts radio or television transmissions if such are political in nature.

Amendment 34 – Federal Funding

Congress shall make no law restricting the utilization of federal funds offered to states to be contingent upon states adopting set standards or laws as a condition of receiving funds.  Congress may restrict how funds are expended but not through contingency of a State adopting, passing, or creating laws or regulations.

I know these will need a little work… but it is a start!

Until we meet again… may God bless you and may God bless the USA!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sheila Jackson Lee… here I come!

Involvement 101…

I want you all to know that I am planning on attending the town hall meeting sponsored by SJL.

  • Wednesday, August 12
  • 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Tidwell Community Center
  • 9720 Spaulding Street (MAP) Houston TX 77016

The meeting is scheduled to start at 7:30 PM.  If you plan to attend, I suggest you arrive no later that 7:00PM as it will be standing room only!

I know this next comment is going to shock you… but… I do have respect for SJL in that she – unlike Congressman Gene Green – has made a commitment to keep her meetings open to the general public!

Gene Green – Take a lesson from SJL

Hope to see there!

Monday, August 10, 2009


US Congressman Restricts Town Hall Meetings

US Congressman Gene Green has announced that he is restricting attendance at his town hall meetings based on where you live and your civility.

I never in my life thought I would see the day in this - supposedly free nation - when a congressman would restrict who was in attendance in an open forum based on their residence and civility.

I hope that if you get nothing else from this post get this… GENE GREEN has restricted MY right to free speech based on where I live and his definition of civil discussion!  AND… SINCE HE HAS DONE IT TO ME, HE CAN SURE DO IT TO YOU!

I know this may be hard to believe when you consider this is America but take a look at the memo from Gene’s website :

“Town hall meetings are one of my favorite ways to communicate with constituents. I have held hundreds during my years of service in Congress and always welcomed everyone to attend. Unfortunately, due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th Congressional District and verifying residency by requiring photo identification. Whether individuals agree or disagree, we must maintain order to have a civil discussion of the issues. While I regret this restriction, it is necessary for the safety and consideration of our constituents. Those who do not reside in the 29th Congressional should contact their Member of Congress to voice any concerns that they may have on issues before Congress.”



Blog Origination

If you are new reader please know that I started this blog to encourage political involvement. 

My message now is this:

If you have been politically idle… get involved. 

If you live in Gene’s district – you must stop this dictate. 

If you have done nothing… do something.

If you want your freedom – fight for it  now!

This must stop now before people like Gene push our country beyond the point of no return.

So… what I want you to know… the facts:

  1. I have been very vocal at Gene’s town hall meetings (see videos on previous posts).
  2. I have asked him questions about healthcare that he has refused to answer because I do not live in his district OR because he does not want people to know the truth (see videos on previous posts).
  3. I have seen no evidence that safety is a concern at his meetings.
  5. Gene is an elected official acting in a public capacity.
  6. Gene is defining the terms of “civil discussion.”
  7. I do not live in his district.
  8. GENE’s vote affects every American – including me – not just those living in his district.
  9. Gene serves on committees to which I have no elected representative to carry my voice.  Thus, my only public input into his committee service is directly to him in open forums such as town hall meetings.
  10. Organized efforts brought liberty to a once oppressed people in 1776.

So you may be asking… what can I do… I am only one person:

  1. I can call my representative and voice my concerns about liberty!
  2. I can call congressman Green’s office and tell him I want people to be able to exercise free speech – even if i don’t like what they are saying!
  3. I can call 5 people and take them to the next town hall for the sole purpose of expressing my right of free speech!
  4. I can call both US senators, my state rep, my state senator, and the governor and ask them to publicly condemn Green’s action while encouraging them to take a stand for free speech!
  5. I can call any and every media outlet that will listen and ask them to report on what the congressman has done.
  6. I can show up at every political rally for Gene Green in the next election and voice my concerns there!!

Yesterday I wrote that our nation is really facing is about control NOT healthcare.  Today I say it with more certainty… it is so.

It is my estimation that too many people are sitting idly by waiting for someone else to get their hands dirty.  YOU MUST RISE…YOU MUST GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY - if you do not… there will be no one left to rise!!

If you are a constituent of Gene Green I beg you to show up at his next town hall meeting and raise your voice on his betrayal of the constitution.


"First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."

- Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)


No worries Ron - this will never happen here!

Until we meet again may God bless you and may God bless the United States!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It is about control… not healthcare

Before you read this… click here and watch ALL OF THIS VIDEO in its entirety.  I have verified the modern content.

All this talk about healthcare is a smoke screen.  It is my belief that it is really about the desire of our federal government to gain unprecedented control of our liberty.  I have assembled a variety of video clips / reports to make my point…

First on my list: 

My personal interaction with Congressman Gene Green.  This clip was shot at a town hall meeting in East Houston.  During the meeting Congressman Green repeatedly makes it clear that his town hall meetings are for his constituents only.  When I stand to speak, he refuses to answer my questions and sarcastically points to the fact that I don’t live in his district. HE SEEMS TO FORGET I AM AFFECTED BY HIS VOTE regardless of where I live.  At the conclusion of the meeting he indicates that the days of town hall meetings may be ending as people are upset. 

There are several clips that can easily verify what I am stating.  Simply go to and search Gene Green town hall.

Second on my list: 

The President of the United States has informed those opposed to healthcare reform that they need to “get out of the way.”  In essence, Obama says those who created the mess need to to get out of the way and be silent.  Well Mr. Obama - that would be the democrats!

It seems that Obama does not know OR has conveniently forgotten that much modern healthcare is a result of the HMO Act of 1973.  That bill was authored and pushed through the senate by none other than Ted Kennedy. 

Click here to see how Ted Kennedy – virtual creator of the modern HMO – has flipped his stance on what he created and NOW wants YOU to believe that conservatives created it and then broke it. 


Please note how proud he was of the bill at its adoption!  Much like Cap and Trade.

In essence - the folks who created the mess ARE NOT people like me.  When I talk – I should be heard.  Last I checked it is my constitutional right to voice opposition.  Let me point out that CNN aired the following story… not FOX.  Watch this all the way through – Obama is sick of the criticism – Boo Hoo!

The hypocrisy of our President is apparent.  The Democrats, under the leadership of Ted Kennedy created the HMO.  And now, all of sudden, HMOs are broken - and evil – and out of control – causing the end of the world as we know - and the Democrats want YOU to believe that conservatives created them and then then broke them! 

That my friends is a lie.

Third on my list: 

FLAG THE WHITE HOUSE.  If this does not scare you – then you need to wake up.  I wish I were making this up.  Click here to be directed and the report your neighbor program.  Yes – it is real.

Now stay with me on this… September 11, 2001 planes hit the WTC.  Within the following 24 months the Department of Homeland Security is created and the Patriot Act is passed.  (And before you Bush haters email me… I was opposed to that as well.) 

NOW CAN YOU IMAGINE THE LIBERAL OUTRAGE THAT WOULD HAVE ENSUED IF BUSH HAD POSTED A “REPORT YOUR NEIGHBOR” link at so that he could gather names of those that did not understand the program.  REALLY – can you imagine it?  Really?

So… one Senator has stood up… US Senator John Cornyn from Texas.  Click here to watch the interview.  Click here to see the letter Cornyn has sent to the President.

Let me be clear – I am not a huge Cornyn fan… but it looks like he may actually be a little conservative as evidenced by him standing up for free speech.


  1. Congressman Gene Green thinks – and has said – that people out of his district should not be able to speak at his town hall meetings.  (Control.)
  2. Congressman Gene Green is contemplating – and has said – that he may start requiring people to show ID just to get into his public town hall meetings. (Control.)
  3. Congressman Gene Green reminded those at his last town hall meeting that it was being held on private property and HE was going to control what was said and HOW it was said. (Control.)
  4. President Obama wants those that disagree with him to be silent. (Control.)
  5. President Obama wants YOU to report people like me.  (Control.)

So I have concluded… this is about control!!!

So why control…Read this book!

Let me challenge EVERY ONE OF YOU to read this book – Rules for Radicals.  Let me end by saying that I do not endorse the contents… but I want you to know and understand how the new liberal mind is thinking.  This book is the play book.  Read it!!

Until we meet again, may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Healthcare thoughts…

I have heard from many of you who read my last post and are upset that I don’t believe that there are 47 million people who do not have health care insurance. 

So… lets play a game.  Stay with me as we move through this…

  • There are roughly 304,000,000 people in America.
  • Let’s assume – for the sake of argument - that family practice physicians only treat the insured – as the media and those on the left are leading us to believe.
  • Let’s assume – for the sake of argument - that the health care system is burdened and out of control – as the media and those on the left are leading us to believe.
  • These assumptions mean that 257,000,000 are being treated – as needed by their physicians.
  • These assumptions also means that 47,000,000 are untreated because they are not covered- as the media and those on the left are leading us to believe.
  • The WHO estimates that there are 1.5 million physicians in the US.
  • The American Academy of Family Physicians estimates that there are roughly 400,000 family practice physicians.

HEAR ME NOW – this is the check point….

  • If the AAFP, the media, and the left are correct – this means that 400,000 of the 1.5 million practicing physicians are family practitioners.
  • If the media and liberal left are correct in that only the insured are getting treated then the physician to patient ratio for the US is 1 to 642

HEAR ME NOW – this is the problem

If we flip a switch on January 1st, 2010 and grant everyone universal coverage – we will need and additional 73,208 physicians to cover the newly insured and keep the ration at 1 to 642.

This begs a few questions?

  1. Where are they – the 73,208 family practice physicians - going to come from?
  2. What will will happen when the load is spread from a ratio of 1 to 642 to the NEW ratio of 1 to 760?
  3. How will the patient load be rationed to practicing physicians?
  4. What happens to the load if physicians opt out of the public plan?

Other thoughts…

Let’s remember this started on assumptions.  I offer to you the problems is not as large as you are being lead to believe.  There are not 47 million people who are not receiving medical care.  Do not fall for that!!

In my estimation what needs to happen is:

  1. We need to clearly identify segments of the healthcare system that needs to be reformed or repaired.
  2. We need to do this slowly and we need to do it with healthcare providers and insurance companies.
  3. We need desperately to correct the largest burden on the current system by stopping illegal immigrants from flooding the hospitals.

The most dangerous statement in the bill is that illegal immigrants will not be covered.  If you get nothing else… get this… the bill reads this way because the left knows that most Americans are sick of paying for illegal aliens.  So – they have included this language to make you feel better.  What they are not telling you is that the next large piece of legislation will be to provide amnesty for illegal aliens.  They – the left – are already writing it.

Remember the Obama agenda:

  1. Fix the economy
  2. Cap and Trade
  3. Healthcare
  4. Amnesty

He told you what he was going to do… now he is doing it!


Until we meet again – may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

If I were a congressman

This is coming next.

The things I would do if I were in congress.

Let me know what you would do!!!

Quick talking points on healthcare

One concept that you must know before talking about health care is SPS.  It is short for SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM.  A single payer systems looks great in theory – but – means that ALL funding for ALL the healthcare you will need will come from ONE SOURCE.  That source is the United States government.  (Click here for a more detailed description of a single payer system.)

Talking points for opposing a federally mandated universal health insurance:

#1     I have a lack of trust for the current administration.  Obama has said repeatedly he wants a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM.  Obama has said repeatedly he does not want a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM.  Look at the video clip and you decide who is lying… Obama or Obama.

It is clear to me that the Obama administration wants a single payer system because it forces dependence on the state and ultimately gives the government control over your life.

#2     I know – for a fact, that Health care INSURANCE is a benefit, not a right.  The US Constitution does not guarantee or create any claim to a right of health insurance. (Source – The United State Constitution.)

#3     There ARE NOT 47 million people without health  insurance coverage. THIS IS A MYTH and should not be used as a statistic to provide universal coverage.  (Source – Golden State Patriot OR CNS News.)

#4     It is my belief that there are no other countries in the world where a single payer system or government controlled system is doing a good job.  In fact the Obama’s press secretary did not commit to which countries are doing it well when he was asked by reporters.

#5    There is very confusing language in the bill regarding end of life counseling, medical decisions, and medical record management.  It is my belief that none of this should not be in the hands of the government.  All of these items should be between family members and medical personnel.

Summary of Talking Points

  1. Obama is inconsistent on SPS.
  2. Insurance is a benefit not a right.
  3. There are not 47 million people without healthcare.
  4. SPS is NOT working in other countries.
  5. Language of the bill is confusing and grants powers to the government that belong to patients, doctors, and families.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Involved

Get involved.  Let me say it again, get involved. 

As many of you know, I have attended a few town hall meetings during the last few days.  Click here to see me on ABC - 13.  The same footage has now aired on Good Morning America and ABC News.  Click here to see me on Good Morning America.

Folks… this in just not that hard – just show up, don’t be scared, and speak  your mind.  Your country needs you now more than ever before.

About what I am doing…

I can continue to call and write my 3 elected officials regularly.  I spoke directly with Gene Green two weeks ago.  I told him my expectations to NO VOTE healthcare.  He voted for it.  By doing so, he voted – CLEARLY VOTED – against the wishes of his district.

I made a commitment to him that I would show up at his town hall meetings.  I have held that commitment and will continue to do so.  I feel certain that I am driving Gene crazy.

Here is the true issue… this is not about health care… it is about government control and building a bigger government so that MORE PEOPLE BECOME DEPENDENT ON THE GOVERNMENT!! – Yes, it is that simple.

And before the BUSH haters send me email…. I did not support the Homeland Security Acts that allowed the government to listen to your phone calls either.

To see Houston congressman Gene Green – go to and search Gene Green Town Hall Meetings and you will see a large amount of footage.  Let me tell you… this is an uprising… not a group of planted conservatives. 

Listen and watch.  Notice how the congressman is sweating and stumbling….

Gene Green :

Town Hall – Part 10

Town Hall – Part 6


And introducing…

Tim Bishop and the fine citizens he represents who are SILENT NO MORE!!



And next….

Arlen Specter and his girl Kathleen Sibelius…

oh the arrogance – Part 2


And…my personal favorite…

John Conyers….. the man who does not read the bills he votes for!!!!!


And last on the list of fun tonight….

Lloyd Doggett… Just Say No…part 1

Lloyd Doggett… part 2


 Well…. time to get involved.

Remember this… Robin Hood did not rob from the rich… he robbed the king!!

You are not alone!

Monday, August 3, 2009

1 Free and Prosperous America

"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."  

- Samuel Adams, 1776

My entire motivation for creating this blog is political involvement.  My previous four posts focused on:

    1. Identifying 5 people who need you to help them with political understanding and,
    2. Defining the 4 R’s of restoring true conservative values.
    3. Knowing the 3 elected officials that represent you in Washington D.C. and how to contact them.
    4. Adopting 2 ideas or causes that you believe are important to this country.

This last idea of 5-4-3-2-1 Freedom is that through the political process we can all insure a free and prosperous America!

I am not about to litter this posting with cliché's about freedom… but keep this in mind – freedom is not free!  This means that we all must do our part to insure it!  It may mean calling your congressman, protesting actions, becoming engaged or donating money.  Our men and women of the military will tell you that their fight from freedom might involve losing arms, legs, hands, eyes, or even life.  FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!

I am truly concerned that this nation is in trouble and has lost its roots of freedom.  It is my estimation that we have lost sight of what it means to be free.  It almost compels to think that we don’t deserve freedom.

So… what does a free and prosperous America look like?  I think the thoughts and ideas are captured very well in The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

If you have never read either document, the time is now.

I will close this post by stating that if ever there were a time for the rise of patriots… it is now! 

Awake my fellow citizens for we are headed to places that we really don’t want to go!

Until we meet again, may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

2 Causes or Ideas

My entire motivation for creating this blog is political involvement.  My previous three posts focused on:

    1. Identifying 5 people who need you to help them with political understanding and,
    2. Defining the 4 R’s of restoring true conservative values.
    3. Knowing the 3 elected officials that represent you in Washington D.C. and how to contact them.

Causes or Ideas

I am going to keep this post very simple.

If you are new to the political process or you do not know where to begin, start by finding or adopting 2 causes or ideas that you believe are important.  Once you have done that, take these steps:

  1. Learn as much about the causes as you can.  If you study a specific idea or cause for 10 minutes a day or more, you will be an expert in the field.
  2. Identify how the federal government is involved with your idea or cause and how they are impacting the cause!
  3. Begin to craft a personal positions on the cause.
  4. Practice articulating your positions with EVIDENCE – not EMOTION.
  5. Begin to contact your 3 elected officials regularly regarding your causes.
  6. Use sites like to learn how laws are written and moved through congress.

How to identify YOUR causes

This is simple.  Anytime you hear an idea relating to the government that causes you to think “that’s just stupid” – or – when you hear of laws or action being considered that cause you to feel helpless – chances are – these are your causes.

Example – My Specific Cause

For me – I am extremely passionate about anything that raises my taxes.  Most of you reading this blog have no idea what TAX FREEDOM DAY  - AND – you have no idea how many little taxes you pay.

So I will tell you.  Each of you pay a wide range of taxes.  You pay sales tax, property tax, road tax, hotel tax, telephone tax, cable tv tax, sin tax, school tax, emergency service tax ETC…  There are over 5000 incidental taxes.

Thus, when you are working, you are working to pay ALL of those taxes, many of which are hidden very well!!

Tax freedom day is the calendar day when your money is no longer being earned exclusively for paying your taxes.  This year it was April 13th.  This means that you worked – regardless of your age or income – until April 13th – just to pay all these taxes.  When you add all of your taxes up, it will be the amount of money you earned between January 1st and April 13th.

Also – most of you do not realize that you and your children have a tax liability to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ALONE of $37,000.00 each.  This does not count your other taxes.

I have included two links in my “special cause” link section in the right menu for you to view.

My challenge to each of you is this – get involved!

Until we meet again – may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!