Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two simple questions…

I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it!

Today I don’t feel like writing.  Many of you may think that is a good thing, but I am just flat out concerned about where our nation is headed. 

It is my estimation that so many people have their head buried in the sand as to what is happening in our country.  Many of you will not read past this paragraph because this is nonsense to you. 

OK… don’t read, don’t get involved, but remember - the German propaganda was nonsense, so was the Russian propaganda, and the middle eastern propaganda.  Nothing ever came out of those propaganda producing machines.  In fact, the holocaust was a lie, Russia remains the greatest nation in the world, and women in the middle east aren't stoned to death when their hubby doesn’t like them anymore.

Go ahead… live life like you know it…you have a good three years of freedom left.  When they shut off the NFL, NBA, or MLB maybe you will wake the hell up.

When they shut off American Idol or Survivor maybe you will push hard enough to free your head.

Or – when they decide that little league shouldn't be allowed in the suburbs because there are no fields in the inner cities.

Or – when they decide children shouldn't keep score in games because it creates winners and losers and nobody should ever lose.

OH wait… that will never happen… this is America. 

WRONG – that would not happen in your grandparent’s America – but it can darn sure happen here!

I talk to people daily that are willing to sacrifice their liberty for comfort of mind. (Healthcare).  Even more scary… they are willing to sacrifice MY liberty for their comfort of mind (Cap and Trade and climate change).  This goes back to George Bush (Homeland Security) and now to Hussein Obama (FCC control of airwaves.)

A few weeks ago I blogged a piece titled - “While you were sleeping.”  So my first question to you is this…


If you hit the snooze button and don’t pay attention to what is happening right now I am afraid that what we call America will vanish before our eyes.

Those of you on the left who read this blog remember one thing… if you don’t stand for the most basic constitutional rights in this county for everyone, nobody will be left to stand for you when this county falls under Marxist control.

My second question is this:


“I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it!”  This is one of my favorite quotes.  But I tell you with 100% honesty… I would die for your right to speak.

In late 1700 a group of men gathered and  created a pack together.  It was very simple – they banded together and committed to each other that they would die for each other and for the future of this nation so that we could all enjoy LIBERTY.

Will you die for liberty? 

Will you die so that your political opponents can be heard? 

Really?  Will you die if Marxism goes on a full march in this nation? Really?

Will you take a bullet – will you – for your kids?  For your nation? 

I have NEVER called anyone on the left names, grouped them together or attempted to silence them.  The reverse is simply not true.  In the last few weeks I have been called a racist, an extremist, a leader in the vast right wing conspiracy, a homophobe and so no….

Why the names you may asked.  Very simple – divide and conquer.  If I can be grouped, I can be isolated.

Those on the extreme left would have people like me silenced. 

Not yet… first they will take out Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michel Berry, Fox News, and then people like me who oppose the ideas of big government.


READ IT AGAIN – IT IS THE FACT I OPPOSE.  The current administration is 100% comfortable shutting down opposing ideas.  They have said so.

So… what happens when you oppose?

Again – two simple questions:

Are you sleeping?

Will you die for my right of free speech?  Will you? Really?

1 comment:

  1. #1 I am definitely not asleep. The current degradation of liberty is sickening. However, this is not an Obama thing. The sickening degradation of liberty has been occurring for MANY years. What further makes me sick is that Republican/Conservatives are just now realizing that their liberty is being compromised. They think things were fine as long as a Republican was in office. ...better late than never, I guess.

    #2 What is that question? Is the question, "will I die for YOUR right to free speech?" or "will I die for EVERYONE's free speech?" If I died, would I be ensured that EVERYONE's free speech would last for at least a certain number of years? I would need EVERYONE to be GUARANTEED real free speech (not what we have now...or not what we have ever had in the U.S.) for at least +/- 50 years for me to even start to think about possibly dying for someone else's right to free speech. You would have to make me a real offer and tell me exactly what I'm going to get for dying, for me to even start to consider it.

    Generally speaking, I will not die for the right to free speech. I believe in liberty, but I don't want to die for it. I would be willing to make sacrifices or take calculated risks to gain liberty, but I would definitely not be willing to die for it, unless I my plan went wrong and I accidentally died for the cause. I would voluntarily die for my very few things, if anything at all, and liberty is not one of them, especially since liberty is so fragile and underappreciated.

    I have a wife and child, and I think it would be dumb and irresponsible for me to lay down my life for the sake of liberty. I would prefer living in a free society, but I believe my family could be happy under ANY type of government or market system. My goal in life is to be happy, and I think happiness is a state of mind, which can be achieved in ANY setting.

    Further, I would tend to believe that anyone who has said they would die for someone else's right to free speech is probably not being honest. You have not had free speech, or any semblance of liberty, in general, for a LONG time. If you were willing to die for my free speech, why are you not dead? I don't have free speech, and YOU are not dead.
